Comments on: Hurt So Good El Segundo, CA Wed, 16 Mar 2011 22:32:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nick Nick Fri, 03 Sep 2010 22:38:37 +0000 Thanks Sean! One more question, since the sodium-potassium pumps exchange sodium for potassium, is it necessary to have sodium in our cells to begin with? Should we try to maintain a level of sodium in our diets (or electrolytes)? If so, what level is recommended? Thanks Sean!

One more question, since the sodium-potassium pumps exchange sodium for potassium, is it necessary to have sodium in our cells to begin with? Should we try to maintain a level of sodium in our diets (or electrolytes)? If so, what level is recommended?

By: Jake Jake Fri, 03 Sep 2010 17:48:41 +0000 Def missing the pain Def missing the pain

By: Drew Drew Fri, 03 Sep 2010 17:23:11 +0000 What doesn't hurt so good is my quads!! Thanks for the shout out Ruth. Good Luck to both Alia and Scott. I have seen HUGE gains from both of you in my time with Intrepid. Keep it up. What doesn’t hurt so good is my quads!! Thanks for the shout out Ruth. Good Luck to both Alia and Scott. I have seen HUGE gains from both of you in my time with Intrepid. Keep it up.

By: Nick Nick Fri, 03 Sep 2010 16:58:23 +0000 Hey Sean: If the burning sensation in our cells is a limiting factor in performance and the sensation is caused by a buildup of potassium in our cells, then is consumption of potassium detrimental (i.e. eating a banana)? Also, if the pump cycle introduces potassium into the cells (and causes that burning sensation), would a more efficient pump introduce more potassium than a less efficient pump (thus causing more burning)? Sorry for all the questions...just a little confused! <em>-Nick, The way I understand it is the potassium builds up in those muscle tissues being utilized to help faciliate the proper function of our body's anaerobic metabolic pathways (those that use ATP as fuel). The potassium buildup (burning) is the result of our celluar sodium-potassium pumps inability to pump the potassium into our cells at the rate at which it's accumulating outside the cells. The potassium build-up outside the cellular walls stimulates our nerve endings which causes the tingling/burning sensation. The pumps' efficiency improves the more they are forced to work under intense conditions (i.e. workouts that primarily test us anaerobically like strength training and met-cons under 20 mins) and over time are better able to move the potassium into the cells where it's needed therefore lessening the potassium build up (burning) during our workouts. This phenomenon is part of what helps us increase our intensity over time and better utilize our anaerobic energy systems before relying on our aerobic metabolic pathway. Potassium is an essential element to our body's functioning and eating foods rich in potassium, like bananas, should not increase the burning we feel during workouts. Great questions! I hope my answers addressed the issues you brought up, but if something's still not clear please let me know and I'll do some more research. Sean Hey Sean:

If the burning sensation in our cells is a limiting factor in performance and the sensation is caused by a buildup of potassium in our cells, then is consumption of potassium detrimental (i.e. eating a banana)?

Also, if the pump cycle introduces potassium into the cells (and causes that burning sensation), would a more efficient pump introduce more potassium than a less efficient pump (thus causing more burning)?

Sorry for all the questions…just a little confused!

The way I understand it is the potassium builds up in those muscle tissues being utilized to help faciliate the proper function of our body’s anaerobic metabolic pathways (those that use ATP as fuel). The potassium buildup (burning) is the result of our celluar sodium-potassium pumps inability to pump the potassium into our cells at the rate at which it’s accumulating outside the cells. The potassium build-up outside the cellular walls stimulates our nerve endings which causes the tingling/burning sensation. The pumps’ efficiency improves the more they are forced to work under intense conditions (i.e. workouts that primarily test us anaerobically like strength training and met-cons under 20 mins) and over time are better able to move the potassium into the cells where it’s needed therefore lessening the potassium build up (burning) during our workouts. This phenomenon is part of what helps us increase our intensity over time and better utilize our anaerobic energy systems before relying on our aerobic metabolic pathway. Potassium is an essential element to our body’s functioning and eating foods rich in potassium, like bananas, should not increase the burning we feel during workouts.

Great questions! I hope my answers addressed the issues you brought up, but if something’s still not clear please let me know and I’ll do some more research.


By: ruth ruth Fri, 03 Sep 2010 15:27:48 +0000 Good luck this Sunday Alia!!! Big ups to Drew for attacking Drewcifer by himself yesterday. Take that fish oil! Good luck this Sunday Alia!!!

Big ups to Drew for attacking Drewcifer by himself yesterday. Take that fish oil!

By: avelyne avelyne Fri, 03 Sep 2010 15:04:01 +0000 Rock it hard Scott & Alia! I know both of you will do well in your respective events! Can't wait to hear your success stories! Rock it hard Scott & Alia! I know both of you will do well in your respective events! Can’t wait to hear your success stories!
