CrossFit Intrepid » Health & Lifestyle El Segundo, CA Sun, 20 Oct 2013 13:00:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Lunchtime Tools Fri, 18 Oct 2013 13:00:52 +0000 avelyne 856483_10151778297712310_829926197_o

If you’ve followed our posts long enough, you know that we try to be as “green” as possible at our gym.  We encourage recycling, using reusable water bottles, posted on the disposal of electronic waste as well as hazardous household waste, and the list goes on and on…  With that said, I’d like to talk to you about 2 eco friendly lunchtime tools to keep your lunches fresh.

The first is the Salad Shaker from Fit & Fresh (shown below).  I picked this up over the weekend to try to carry a few more greens with me on my local trips.  I used to toss a Ziploc bag of spinach in my bag along with a few other fixings and would squeeze lemon on it as a “dressing”  but my greens would get crushed in my lunch bag, leaving my greens wilted. This past week I used the salad shaker and was pleased with the results.  My salad stayed fresh and it was still chilled after 4 hours.  The Salad Shaker is a decent size that holds 4 cups and fits well in my lunch bag.  It comes with a built in freezer pack that snaps into place under the lid as well as a spoon and fork on top of the lid. The container is BPA free and the freezer pack is non-toxic.


photo 1

The 2nd lunch container I purchased over the weekend is made by LexNGo and for me the main selling point was that it was collapsible. Once you’ve eaten your lunch, the container collapses down to 1/2 the size to save space.  The container I purchased also came with its’ own “spork” built in to the lid.  The lunch box is made of BPA-free silicone and is also bacteria resistant.  My only gripe about this container is that since it is designed to collapse, I wouldn’t recommend storing foods that can be easily bruised, like avocados.

photo 2

Both of these lunch containers were purchased from HomeGoods but can be found online and in various sizes.  I’ve also heard really good things about the stainless steel bento style boxes with locking lids but have yet to purchase any.  If you have a reusable lunch container that you found works well, please post to comments and share your finds.  With any of the aforementioned lunch containers, the message stays the same, reduce your carbon footprint by eliminating the use of disposable containers.

On another note, we’d like to wish our 3 teams participating in the Randy Simmons Fitness Challenge lots of luck  this weekend!  Have fun guys and we can’t wait to hear about the results!

WOD 10.18.2013

Dead Lift 1 x 5

Then, 3 rounds:

  • 3 Power cleans (80%)
  • 5 High box jumps

Rest 2 min.

Then, 3 rounds:

  • 240m run
  • 3 Rope climbs
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Disconnect. Fri, 11 Oct 2013 13:00:29 +0000 avelyne IMG_2555

Happy Birthday Toby!!

We live in a technologically advanced world. We want instant gratification. Like yesterday.  And yet, even that is too slow.  We want to know the current status of our 500+ Friends on Facebook, Twitter, or whatever social media site we peruse every 15min.  We “Like” things/situations that aren’t meant to be “Liked” to show we care, or at the very least, have an interest in whatever happened.  Stop it.  I challenge you to DISCONNECT.

Mark’s Daily Apple recently posted on a topic that hits home for me in regards to lifestyle.  More than likely because it connects to the Flight Attendant side of me that dislikes telling passengers to shut down their electronics 1000 times a day.  But I digress, in his post, The Physiological Consequences of Being Hyperconnected, he talks about the compromising positions we put our body through while staying connected all the time.  I encourage you to read the post in its entirety but here are a couple that I know you can identify with.

The first position he discusses, “Text Neck”,  you are already familiar with as you’ve seen it or are guilty of it.  I know I am.  The head juts forward and down as you peruse your inbox. also posted an article on some of the long term effects of “Text Neck” such as muscle strain, disc herniations, as well as metabolic problems.  Doesn’t sound conducive to your lifts, right?  Holley posted on the Most Important mWOD Ever featuring Kelly Starrett a while back and it might be something you want to refresh upon to help in correcting that body position.

Another harm causing position Mark talks about is “Text Claw” where your thumbs appear to be doing all the work but in reality, the effects of excessive use are felt through the wrist and forearms as well.  Candy Crushers this refers to you.  Gamers this also refers to you.  We understand that this may be how some of you spend your time outside of CrossFit and work but take a break for a bit, stretch out your wrists and forearms before something serious like tendonitis kicks in.

So what are you supposed to take away from all of this?  Do we want you to give up the Internet, social media, stop texting or reading your favorite blog posts like ours at Intrepid?  No.  But we do want you to be more conscious of your body positions while doing so.  Disconnect for a period of time to reassess your slouched shoulders and slumped bodies.  Limit your online activities before doing real damage and connect with your surroundings before you walk right into traffic or that light pole up ahead.  D’oh too late! ;)

WOD 10.11.2013

Back Squat 3 x 5

Partner WOD, 4 rounds each:

  • 1 Rope climb
  • 10 Thrusters (135/95)
  • 100m Sprint

One partner rests, while the other works


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Paleo Magazine Thu, 12 Sep 2013 13:00:39 +0000 Holley  ashley rope climb

While waiting in line at Whole Foods the other day, I became a victim of product placement. Right in front of me was a new magazine and the title caught my attention, Paleo Magazine, and it screamed “pick me up.”  Of course I obliged and quick flipped through the pages. Being in line at the grocery store, I was obviously hungry and the adds for all kinds of Paleo foods and a glimpse at a few recipes was enough to sell me. When I got home and read through it I was pretty happy with the information provided in the magazine, and if nothing else, I learned about a bunch of new paleo food products available that I probably wouldn’t have found otherwise.

The articles approached a variety of interesting topics, like children’s shoe reviews, and a school lunch review. There were also reviews of paleo books, apps and kitchen utensils. They typical paleo topics were covered, 101, common myths, diets and diseases, and Q&A with a paleo dietitian. One topic I was glad to see covered was the topic of skin care. There was an article on sun exposure with a breakdown of “good and bad” rays, how far different types of sunscreens go and some of the risks associated with those products as well.  They also advertised different natural skin care products including a make up and deodorants. As I mentioned before, it was not lacking in the food department, there were several good recipes, a monthly meal plan and lots of advertisements for paleo foods for on the go, places to order fresh meats and veggies, and also places to order pre-cooked meals delivered to your home. Now don’t let the title of the magazine fool you, there were recipes and foods advertised that are definitely not whole 30 and not really paleo compliant either, so you still have to do your homework before ordering product.

Hopefully they can maintain the quality of articles in future editions, there should be one coming out in the next month. In the mean time I might order a few products advertised in the magazine and I’ll share with all of you if I find something of use. Otherwise, swing into your nearest Whole Foods and pick up a copy for yourself.

Don’t forget to sign up for the RPM Jump Rope Clinic. Today is the last day for Intrepid to try to fill up the 30 slots before they open the class to the public to fill. It’s next Thursday the 19th at 6p.

WOD 09.12.13

Mobility: Shoulders and quads

Skillwork: HSPU with bands


8 40 yard prowler pushes:

2 light, 4 medium, 2 heavy

Rest up to 1 minute between pushes

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SFH Visit Wed, 04 Sep 2013 13:00:09 +0000 Marcus

Mark your calendar for Monday, September 16th. On that day, Stronger Faster Healthier will have a rep onsite for the 4pm through 7pm classes. Their rep will give a brief introduction to their products before each class and will be around after class to provide samples and answer questions.

When you’ve browsed the Intrepid store, you’ve probably seen the SFH fish oil and protein powders that we carry and in fact, they actually make a number of other whey formulas.  All these options can be somewhat dizzying, so bring any questions you may have and ask them in a couple weeks when SFH visits us. You’ll be able to sample their products after class and ask what might best suit your needs.

Also, we’d like to wish a happy birthday to Deanna! She’s a relatively new Intrepid and a 6pm regular. Unfortunately we don’t have a photo as she has managed to escape the camera so far!

WOD 09.04.13

Deadlift 1×5

Partner WOD (Dynamic Duo Workout #1)
3 rounds for time, relay style:

  • 7 Ground to Shoulder (165/115)
  • 14 Toes-to-Bar
  • 5/10/15yd Shuttle Run

9 minute time cap

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Save the Date: Potluck and Fall Cleaning Exchange Tue, 03 Sep 2013 13:00:45 +0000 Ruth 1240565_10151778368722310_360749373_n

We’ve had a great year at Intrepid and many new faces to show for it. Since some of the newbies have only heard rumors of the feast that occurs at one of our Intrepid Potlucks, it’s time to schedule another one. You may have heard about Mike K’s amazing Korean BBQ, Marcus’ tri tip, Amanda’s artichoke dip, Michelle C’s gluten free cookies, or Kathy’s gluten/dairy free brownies, but this will be your chance to feast and mingle with Intrepids old and new. We’re aiming for Saturday, November 2nd at 1pm at the gym. This should give people enough time to run home, shower up, and come back with goodies.

Since being green and eco-conscious goes hand in hand with being paleo and striving for sustainability, we’ll be hosting a Fall Cleaning Exchange in conjunction with our potluck. This is where you raid your closet and home for excellent used quality (EUC) clothing, books, shoes, kids’ clothing/shoes, DVDs and video games. Avelyne and I recently went to one of these and had a blast, but found most of the clothing didn’t fit over our CrossFit shoulders, so we figured this would be a solution. While we won’t clown you for clothing lacking in fashion, we will for those lacking in function, so all clothing should be free of holes and stains and be something you would be willing to buy at a second hand store. All items not taken will be donated.

Start weeding out your closets and set some stuff aside. Free shopping is fun for everyone so save the date and start testing out recipes for the potluck!

WOD 09.03.13

Bench Press 3×5 or Wendler

4 Rounds:
10 2-Fer Wall Ball Shots
8 Pullovers (Sub 10 C2B Pull Ups or 12 Pull Ups)
40 Double Unders

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Grocery Shopping Tools Fri, 09 Aug 2013 13:00:38 +0000 avelyne 992823_10151721683132310_567368679_n

Shopping at the market can be a laborious chore especially when trying to eat as clean as possible. You get caught up in all of the tricky marketing labels, wondering if the manufacturing company actually follows clean practices or if there are hidden ingredients.  Or maybe you become fixed on the same products that you already use because you know from label scouring before that it meets your standards.  Not saying there is anything wrong with the latter, just that maybe you get bored with the same stuff all the time.  Either way, a blog I follow posted some great ideas and tools that may help when grocery shopping.

Some of the things he lists we have covered before, like buying organic and finding a local CSA for your fruits and vegetables.  He also lists tools like smartphone apps that will allow you to scan a barcode to identify GMOs and other harmful ingredients.  One app in particular, Buycott allows you to scan a barcode and will show whether that company contributed money in favor of (or opposing) Prop 37 which supported GMO labeling.  And if you don’t have a smartphone, he also provides printable lists to take with you to the market.  Another source of information he provides are links to help you find farms, CSAs and organic restaurants in your area.  I recommend reading his full post here to help navigate your way to clean eating practices.

WOD 08.09.2013

Jerk 2-2-2

Buy in with 10 Pullovers or 10 Bar Muscle Ups

Then, 3 rounds of

  • 50 Double unders
  • 10 Toes to bar
  • 10 Kettlebell swings
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Review: RxBar Wed, 07 Aug 2013 13:00:26 +0000 Marcus

While it shouldn’t become an everyday habit, I can admit the convenience of a snack bar of some sort. When traveling, it’s definitely more convenient that trying to bring proper cooling for meat and when picked wisely, are a much better option than soybean oil laden almonds from a gas station. For the person trying to adhere to a Good Food diet, the choices are normally pretty slim — LaraBar or perhaps a OhMyBar. Unfortunately, the latter is best kept in the freezer and the former is severely lacking in protein.

On Whole9′s Twitter I saw they had tried out a new bar on the market called RxBar and were raving about how good they tasted. I shot RxBar an email and they were kind enough to provide me a sampler pack for today’s review. Imagine if you could add protein to a LaraBar and you pretty much describe the RxBar. I really liked that they use egg white protein that is free from any artificial sweeteners. They also use a nice mix of fruit, including figs along with the usual dates you may be used to. After having tried all three flavors, I found them all to be very tasty. The blueberry is a little on the sweet side, while the coffee cacao is the least sweet. The coconut cacao sits somewhere in the middle.

After raving about them to Sean and Ruth, they decided to start carrying them in the Intrepid store. We currently have all three flavors in stock for $3 each. Grab one for the road and see what you think!

I also recently talked about an alternative to the usual snack bars in the form of pemmican. For those curious to give it a try, I was informed that the Intrepid Store will soon have pemmican bars for sale as well.

WOD 08.07.13

Deadlift 1×5 or Wendler

Then, with a partner:

7 rounds for time

  • 10 Thrusters (115/78)
  • 100m Sprint

One partner is working while the other rests, then switch.

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Thursday Night Yoga Mon, 15 Jul 2013 13:00:02 +0000 Sean 223444_10151426113562310_1679592575_n

Be a part of Intrepid’s first Yoga class held right here at our gym! This Thursday night at 7pm Yoga instructor Lauren Leilani will host a Power Yoga session from 7-8pm. Sign up online by purchasing a single class for $15 or a 10 Yoga Class Punch Card for $120.  Bring you own yoga mat, block, and straps if you have them, but if not we’ll have some available to borrow.

The practice of Yoga can help in so many different ways.  Better mobility, improved balance, more efficient breathing mechanics, better stability and posture as well as helping you unwind and enhance your self-awareness both physically and emotionally. More background information about Vinyasa Yoga and Power Yoga can be read here.

Lauren teaches regularly at Yoga Vista as well as other studios around the Southbay.  Growing up she was involved in many activities:  a gymnast, a swimmer, a tennis player, a pianist and eventually turned into a runner and loved hitting the weights.  Over time though, all of those things because chores rather than a passion.  Yoga is the only thing that has held her attention for 7 years and she just can’t seem to get enough of it.  I’m working on getting her into one of our CrossFit classes too.  Read more about her on the Intrepid Coaches page, and here’s more of what she has to say about her teaching approach:

“I’m here to share my love and passion for yoga with you both on and off the mat.  With that being said, I realize that the goal of each practitioner is different.  Explaining poses in detail and watching each student grow is what I love so much about teaching.   My teaching style is Power Vinyasa Flow based.  I offer basic through advanced versions of poses with many opportunities to arm balance or hand balance.  The best part of the asana practice is that there is always something to work on.  Prior to moving further in any standing or balancing pose, it’s important to have a strong foundation.  I like to work on that first then move forward to ensure you’re muscularly engaged and not relying on ligaments and tendons which will lead to injuries down the road.”

I’m excited to have her working with us and hope to make Thursday Night Yoga a mainstay here at Intrepid.  Whether you want to improve your mobility, your posture, your breathing, strengthen your core, get into a handstand, or just try something new, be a part of our Thursday Night Yoga here at Intrepid Athletics.

WOD 7.15.13

Press 3×5/Wendler

5 Rounds for Time:
20 Pushups
20 Squats
240m Run

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The Working CrossFitter Thu, 11 Jul 2013 13:00:35 +0000 Holley  colleen push up

Most of us CrossFitters out there are working professionals and many are parents as well. As dedicated as we are to making it to they gym to do something positive for ourselves, sometimes other parts of life get in the way. You’re on travel for the week, you get stuck working late on a project, one of your children gets sick or has a big soccer game, so you give up your beloved hour at Intrepid. But it’s a part of your routine, what are you going to do?!?

Well, my first suggestion would be to take a spare 15-30 min if you have it, and focus on the often forgotten homework, mobility. If you haven’t already, it would be a great idea to invest in a basic triggerpoint package (which are conveniently sold in the Intrepid store) or at least a foam roller and a band. A night off from the gym and a little focus on a problem mobility area could provide a lot of benefit for the next time you make it into the gym.

Another option would be to knock out some sets of push-ups and squats, or maybe even pull-ups if you have the over the door bar. Those strict body weight movements can be pesky in a WOD, so take a night to knock out 50 of each and focus on full range of motion and solid technique. Maybe this will even kick start a nightly push up routine.

If you really can’t stand not getting your workout in, your push-ups are great and you’re fully mobile, there is always the option of looking up a travel WOD and knocking one out in your living room or hotel room. See Ruth’s post with 12 travel WODs and instructions for correct form.

Tonight is one of those nights for me, so as soon as I finish the post, I’m going to spend some quality time on my sore legs with my footballer and quadballer…and maybe knock out 50 push-ups. See how easy that can be?!


Nick bought a ticket to the CF Games and can no longer go. He’d like to offer it up to any interested Intrepid at what he paid for it, otherwise he’ll sell it online. E-mail me if you are interested.


WOD 07.11.13

Skills Day



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Paleo on a Budget Revisited Tue, 09 Jul 2013 13:00:04 +0000 Ruth 1044105_10151678988827310_488861305_n

One of the common themes I hear during the Whole 30 or anyone eating clean is what happens to their grocery bill.    I have to admit, seeing 12 giant muffins at Costco retailing for $4.99 is pretty hard to beat price-wise, as is the fast food 99 cent specials, but there is a way to eat clean and not break the bank.   We’ve linked to Whole 9′s guide to shopping on a budget before. Paleo Parents also posted a good article about meal planning where she fed 5 people for 17 days on a $4.98/day budget.

Chris Kresser recently also posted 7 Tips for Healthy Eating and it does a great job breaking down how to cut costs while still eating clean.  I’ve summed up his points below, but click here to read the article in its entirety.

1. Buy Ingredients, Not Products

Oh My Bars, Primal Pacs, Brian’s Bowls, Lara Bars, Coconut Water, etc are all great when you’re in a bind, but you are paying for the simplicity and convenience of these packaged foods. If you are on a budget, carve out time to make your own paleo snacks and meals and bring them with you every day.

2. Share Your Food

Find local CSA’s and cow-pools or find a group of like-minded people (like your fellow gym rats) to go in on a bulk buy. If you’re interested in bulk coconut, coconut aminos, beef (J&J), etc post to comments and I’ll send you more info.

3. Get Down to Basics

Find what works and stick with it. We have a tub of coconut oil from Tropical Traditions, our go-to spices (garlic, salt/pepper, red pepper flakes, and chili powder) and it can be mixed and matched to make tons of dishes. Frozen veggies, sweet potatoes, and sometimes rice (post W30) are inexpensive options.

4. Cook in Bulk

‘Nuff said.

5. Pick Your Battles

Here is where you’ll make the most difference.  Do you have to buy only organic, local, pastured, grass-fed, raw food?  Is it ideal?  Yes.  Is it necessary?  No.  Kresser says to check out a  list called The Dirty Dozen which “describes the twelve most contaminated fruits and vegetables on the market, as well as the twelve least contaminated.”

While you always want to buy organic celery and strawberries, it might not be so important to look for organic onions or bananas. The same goes for animal products. While you would likely want to avoid conventionally-raised chicken, pork, and organ meats, you may be alright buying lamb, eggs, and some natural cheeses that aren’t from 100% grass-fed and organic sources. Canned fish like salmon, skipjack tuna, sardines, and herring are far less expensive than fresh, wild fish, and are extremely nutrient dense choices. Of course, you should always get the highest quality animal foods you can afford, but not everyone has access to ideal sources of meat. It’s better to eat non-organic eggs than organic cereal for breakfast, and it’s better to have a dinner of a filet of farmed trout and conventional salad than a plate of organic pasta and wild striped bass. (In fact, some wild fish are even more contaminated than farmed ones.) If you’re unable to buy the best quality meats and produce, it’s a good idea to do your homework and figure out which items are worth the splurge, and which might be alright to spend less money on.

6.  Cut Out the Extras

Yes, brew your own coffee, skip the infused EVOO/vinegars (make your own), fancy marinades, Lululemon clothing (gasp), and any other unnecessary frills. What you feed your body is more important than what is on it or what it does on a Saturday night. Take inventory of what is “extra” in your life and make the necessary cuts.

 7. Skip the Filet Mignon

For the budget minded, buy the cuts of meat that are on sale. Skip the fancy cuts and opt for versatile cuts (good for steaks, stir fry, broiling, etc).  We buy most of our meat on Fridays and get whatever is on sale at Whole Foods.  When we first started, though, we bought most of it from Trader Joes and Costco.  Do what works for you and as long as you prioritize your nutrition, you’ll be on the right track.

Keep fine tuning your grocery shopping tactics and you’ll find it’s possible to eat clean on a reasonable budget.  Post your tips to comments!

WOD 07.09.13

Back Squat 3×5 or Wendler

Partner WOD
4 Rounds of 30 Seconds On / 30 Seconds Off
Wallball Shots
Ball Slams
Double Unders

One partner works while the other one rests. Each partner performs 4 rounds of each movement before moving on to the next one.

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