There are quite a few Intrepids who found themselves travelling over the holidays to partake in the merriment with family and friends.  While on holiday, some of you were able to drop in to another box and tackle their posted WOD and others attempted our WODs at globo gyms and attracted curious stares from the treadmill hostages. 

However, what do you do if you find yourself in a city where there is no box to be found and you are relinquished to the sad hotel “gym” that consists of a treadmill, a stationary bike and a TV?  Numerous times I have found myself in cities where I am faced with only the equipment shown above.  Other times, I’ve been lucky and had dumbbells and a pullup bar to work with.  On the other hand, CrossFit prepares us for the unknown and the unknowing.  It allows us to adapt to our situations and environments and therefore eliminates the need for specialized machines in order for us to get in a good workout.    

You can still get your sweat fix with bodyweight movements (airsquats, push ups, sit ups, BURPEES!) that you can string together to create a WOD.  You can make use of a park bench or retaining wall to do boxjumps.  If you don’t have a jumprope with you, you can do lateral jumps over a speedbump.  You can work on a skill like holding an L-sit on a railing, between 2 desks or going down an escalator (it’s actually quite fun!).  Practice your handstands in your hotel room.  Eva T, one of the OG’s of CrossFit, also has a list of bodyweight WODs on her site

Alternatively, you can always ask one the trainers to sub the movements in our posted WODs in order to follow our programming.  Have fun, be creative and share your “WODs”.

REST DAY 01.09.2011

1 Response to “On the road again…”

January 9, 2011 at 9:45 PM

Nice post Avelyne!

For people looking for ideas, 100 burpees for time is always a great one on the road. In my case, choosing to do that one in Hawaiian humidity was an added challenge.