Happy Saturday! I hope everyone had a good week. In Intrepid news Corrine and Viv (an OG of Intrepid) announced their engagement. We are so happy for you two and wish you nothing but the best. Hope to see you girls soon!

The week started off with a double lift. Press was first up followed by dead lift. Mike of the AM class got a 2 rep PR at 235lbs for his dead lift. In the evening classes Cristina also got a dead lift PR at 165lbs. Holley and Steph both hit new PRs in their press. Holley pressed 78lbs for 3 reps and Steph at 90lbs for 2.The class ended with a maximum rep effort for chin-ups. Some notable totals were Lisa with 3, Avelyne/Steph with 8, Anna with 9, Scott B. at 12, Simon at 14, and Josh with 21.

When the WOD gets posted without a lift, you can expect a sweat fest of a work out. That was the case on Tuesday. Tuesday was a 2 round 2 minute of 3 different couplets. The combos were 5 power cleans / 10 slam balls, 5 burpees / 5 pull ups (or GI Janes), and 10 squats / 15 double unders. Shelley and Sri kept it consistent with knocking out at least 2 rounds for all stations. Luke powered through the power cleans using 165lbs. This WOD was a challenge because of the limited rest between stations but athletes still managed to gut through and be consistent.

Wednesday we worked on box squats. Once athletes got to a challenging weight they would complete 5 sets for 3 reps at a time. I find that box squats are very challenging because my posterior chain isn’t as strong as it should be. Nate was able to box squat at an impressive 275lbs. Sara made 85lbs look too easy and had great technique. After box squats we got into 3 rounds of 20 KB snatches, 15 wallball shots, and 10 toes to bar. Brady had a great finish time at 5:48 and used 35lbs for KB snatches and a 20lb med ball. Well done!

On skills day we worked on hang power snatch and muscle-up skills.

Bench press was the lift for Friday. Date Night had the solo PR for the day. On his Wendler 1 week he was able to hit a 1 rep max at 215lbs. Nicely done, Matt! The WOD right after opened with a 400m run then 3 rounds of 12 box jumps and max handstand pushups and then one more 400m run. For those who could not perform handstand pushups effectively substituted them with either incline pushups or regular pushups. Jesse was able to do 8-3-4 for his hspu’s and finished the WOD in less than 7 minutes. Brian knocked out 11-8-5 reps and almost all of them were strict. Alia worked on her incline pushups and did reps of 10-12-10. This was a solid WOD to end the week. Nice job everyone.

Post any PRs that I may have missed.

WOD 08.18.12

Teams of 2
Buy in- 100 dubs
2 Rounds
30 Thrusters
30 Pull-ups
30 OHS
30 Burpees
Cash out- 4 rope climbs

5 Responses to “News & PR Saturday”

August 18, 2012 at 8:57 AM

On Friday’s Bench Press, I managed to do 155 pounds, which is totally good for me. Also this week, doing the pull-ups, I’ve moved to using thinner rubber bands. A lot thinner compared to March and even moreso when I started back in January. I’m enjoying the progress.
Thanks Sean, Ruth, & Marcus. And thanks to the Intrepiders for tips & inspiration.

August 18, 2012 at 3:48 PM

@JP: Awesome work man!
@Corrine & Viv: So excited for you two. Congratulations again!

August 19, 2012 at 9:35 AM

Congrats Corrine & Viv. Great pic.

August 19, 2012 at 9:51 AM

Thanks for this lovely post, Intrepid fam. We are super excited (and nervous). We will be in soon to gab all about it and to work our butts off, of course. <3

August 20, 2012 at 6:58 AM

Best wishes to the two of you!