
Within the last couple weeks you all have either seen posts via the gym website or Facebook regarding the Charity Water Fundraiser as well as the Intrepid Open House. The day has finally arrived for the gym event. The fun and excitement will be from 8:30a-12:00p. We hope to see many of our members, your loved ones, and some new faces. Be sure to enter raffle tickets and get a chance to win some great prizes!

Just as a reminder, the El Segundo Run for Education is taking place a week from today. There is still time to register for the 5k run, 10k run, and kids 1k run. As I had mentioned in one of my previous posts, last year we had 13 Intrepids participate in the 5k run. It would be awesome to have some of our athletes represent our gym again. Hope some folks sign up!

I’d like to give a birthday shout out to Carrie! Carrie usually attends the morning or early evening classes. Lately, her busy work schedule has made it difficult for her to come into the gym, but when she does make it in, she gives 100% effort! She has improved significantly over the last year. Keep up the great work and enjoy your day!!!

Now the PRs for the week…

The week started off with the dead lift. Kevin E. lifted 255lbs for a total of 7 reps. Nicole got her 3×5 set up to 125lbs. The workout was a partner WOD that consisted of 2 rounds of 15 hang power cleans, 25 box jumps, 10 thrusters, and 20 ring dip push-ups While partner A did the cleans and box jumps, partner B would do the thrusters and push-ups. They would then switch movements so each person would do the same amount of work.  The Swanson’s flew through the WOD finishing under 13 minutes. Tami and Adriana worked very well together and finished in 9:03.

For the strength portion of class on Tuesday we worked on Turkish Get Ups. Athletes would find a kettlebell that they could do the movement for a 3×3 set. Tom R. showed strength and balance while using the 44lb kettlebell. Date Nite used 53lbs for the get ups and maintained nice technique throughout the movement. The workout was 3 rounds of 15 pull-ups and 30 kettlebell snatches. The folks who didn’t quite have the technique for the snatches would substitute for kettlebell clean and jerks. Celina was able to string together 7 unbroken pull-ups. Kyle B. completed all his pull-ups without the use of a band! This WOD had a range of finishing times starting from 4 minutes to 12 minutes.

Wednesday was a double lift day. The first lift we did was the press. That was followed by the front squat. Gusto got his front squat set up to 155lbs. Renee was able to press 58lbs and followed that up with a 63lb set for her squats. Colleen worked with 68lbs for her press and used 113lbs for her front squats. Portia knocked out 11 reps at 50lbs for her press then proceeded to use 83lbs for her squats. The lifts were followed by a 1 minute row for average wattage. David O. had average watts of 371. M2 got his average watts up to 468. Kathryn had average watts of 316.

For skills day we did the usual mobility and recovery. We also worked on the handstand straddle. We finished up class by working on the movements that would be part of the CF Open 13.2 WOD.

Friday we worked on the power clean. Athletes would work up to a challenging 3×3 set using the same weights. Paul worked his way up to 125lbs. Alice T. had a nice work set at 75lbs. Mike S. was able to power clean 155lbs. Tom D. also used 155lbs for his set. Ning had a nice 3×3 set using 103lbs. The WOD was the CF Open 13.2 workout. It was an AMRAP 10 minutes. Within those 10 minutes athletes would do 5 shoulders to overhead, 10 dead lifts, and 15 box jumps. For those signed up for the Open had to use 115lbs/75lbs for the shoulder to overhead and dead lifts. The weights could be scaled down so athletes could make the most of the rounds. At the end of the 10 minutes athletes would total all their reps they completed. Nate finished with a total of 246 reps. Cherie totaled 215 reps. Toby completed 145 reps. Stephanie and Holley finished with 223 and 241 reps. Michele R had a solid total of 195 reps.

Please post any PRs that I may have missed

WOD 03.16.2013

Swing by Intrepid to find out:)