
Today is May 1st and there are only a few days left in the Nutrition Challenge. While it may have seemed like an insurmountable length of time when we started, we are almost to the finish line!

As a reminder, the sign up sheet for the dunk tank is at the back of the gym, same location as it was for the initial dunks. Another note: please try your best to get dunked before you do the WOD. If for some reason that is not possible time wise, make use of our shower and rinse off so you aren’t fouling up the tank for everyone after you.

Some other bits of info Brian from the Body Fat Test truck wanted me to pass along:

Newbies can go here to see the process
Crossfit Intrepid on Monday, May 13th from 7am-7pm
Hydrostatic analysis is an underwater method of accurately determining a persons’ ratio of body fat to lean tissue.
Takes about 10 minutes. Bring swimsuit and towel. The cost for this test is only $49, retests are only $35. **
It will provide you a detailed report. Including;
  • A reference table showing where you are and where you could be for setting achievable goals
  • Your resting metabolic rate and total caloric burn during specific exercise
  • Accurate assessment of your body fat % and lean mass
  • Detailed tracking of previous tests
  • For more info go to www.bodyfattest.com

** — this pricing does not apply for those in the challenge. Your initial payment covers the retest.


WOD 05.01.13

Power Clean 3×3

5 Ground to Overhead (155/105)
15 Ball Slams

1 Response to “The Final Stretch”

Michael H
May 1, 2013 at 3:08 PM

Finally I can take a bath. I’ll be the first one in to marinate the tub :)

Can’t wait to see the results on paper!