Are you THAT guy?

Are you THAT guy?

Recently, CFHQ posted an article by Josh Bobrowsky of Integrated Fitness on their Facebook page entitled “Don’t be a CrossFit A$#hole 6 Tips to Be a Good CrossFitter”.  CFHQ asked for thoughts about the article and got quite a few “likes” and “shares”.  Some of you may have even seen the article and shared it to your pages as well.  The comical article basically lays out some ground rules to follow to avoid being “that guy”.  For those of you that haven’t seen the article, I’ve listed two of my fave tips below but you can read the full article here.

Their New Pr is Not your warm-up- Ok, the new guy at the gym just hit a new PR on deadlift, 155 pounds! He couldn’t be happier. Now is not the time to snatch, overhead squat, power clean or hit a set of 30 deadlifts with that weight. You are strong, it’s tempting to rep out but slow your roll, now is the time to congratulate your fellow CrossFitter not show off.

Big Box Gyms are not your enemy- I love CrossFit and so do you. That doesn’t mean that large gyms are our enemies. It’s a different way of working out. Some of them might even have strange commercials.  Just because you don’t do curls and rock out on the elyptical doesn’t mean that you need to hate those who do. You may not agree with the way that they are working out but that’s ok. They might think that our pullups look funny.”

Shamefully, I know I’ve been “that girl” a few times when I would work out at a hotel gym and quizzically stare at the folks on various machines.  Now, I just go about my business and am happy that those folks are keeping an active lifestyle.  I think Josh Bobrowsky says it best at the end of his article, “CrossFit is about fitness, community and making yourself better.”

WOD 07.12.2013

Deadlift 1 x 5


8 Hang power snatch or HEAVY dumbbell snatches

8 Kettlebell swings

8 Box jumps

2 Responses to “Don’t Be That Guy!”

July 12, 2013 at 9:34 AM

I feel like I get that feeling when people talk about other fitness regimes. Then I realize that I should just be happy for them and their new love of being active. =)

July 12, 2013 at 10:47 AM

I always hated it when Brian power cleaned my back squat after I dumped it.