
One of the things I look forward to each year at Game time is the introduction of new toys.  In years past, they’ve introduced the “fat” bar, sled pulls/pushes as well as a “banger” workout.  This year is no exception.  On Wednesday, Games Director Dave Castro introduced 3 new toys for the competitors to play with, all of which will be used in today’s events.  The first is the “Worm” – a log cut into 6 pieces but connected by rope, second is the “Pig” – which will be used similar to tire flips but with added weight, and lastly the “Iditarod” – if you’re thinking dog sled, you’re correct!

Day 1 opens with the first of the events for the team competitions, the Burden Run, which will include a 2.1 mile run, flipping the Pig 50 yards and a 650 yard Worm carry.  Immediately following the last team finishing the Burden Run, the teams will start event 2, Iditarod 1/2/3 where 1 man and 1 woman will drag the Iditarod 66 yards for time.  The weight on the sled will increase by 45# for each Iditarod event.  Later in the afternoon, there will be one more event to test the teams mettle.  That event has yet to be announced.

The individual events will also continue today.  Individual competitors will start their day with the Burden Run, where they will also get their hands on the Pig, an individual sized log, and a single person Iditarod.  Their second event is the Zigzag Sprint – a 50 yard Sprint with 4 obstacles.  Event 3 for individual competitors will take place in the evening and has yet to be announced.  It will definitely be a fun day to watch these athletes compete using brand new equipment and proving once again that they are prepared for the unknown.

For those who are unable to make it to the Games this weekend, you can still watch them at home.  For media coverage, go here.  Alternatively, we still have a few tickets available if you are interested in watching the Games live.  If anyone is interested in carpooling, post which day to comments.

WOD 07.26.2013

Bench Press 3 x 5

4 x 400m Sprint