Goal: Performance Improvement

Achievements: -5.25 lbs of body fat, +0.5 lbs of muscle, +50 lbs deadlift, +22 lbs back squat, -1:07 Helen time, +2 strict pull-ups (previously only with bands)

How she chose to spend her winnings: one month at Intrepid, $65 of J&J Grassfed Beef and the rest towards a shopping spree at Lululemon!

In her own words:

I have been doing Crossfit for almost a year now, and this was my first time participating in a challenge. Before even signing up for the challenge I learned exactly what I was going to be in for [doing a Whole30]. Finding out that I could not eat any dairy or grains and I was going to have to eat clean for 30 days, I knew it was going to take dedication and hard work. I am actually not an unhealthy person especially in the foods I eat — I mean I don’t like chocolate, I am not a dessert person, and I hate soda. I am however a junk food person. I love chips, and just snacking on whatever is in front of me.

Starting off, the first couple of weeks were the toughest, from drinking my coffee black, to planning out meals everyday, and I was feeling overwhelmed. After those first weeks, I started to get comfortable with cooking and planning ahead. It also helped to have someone beside me encouraging and eating the same things as I was. The hardest part for me was during the challenge was that I had many family birthdays. Going out to eat at restaurants was difficult, and of course not being able to drink alcohol! My plan was to eat clean for 30 days, then slowly start to introduce things like dairy back into my life. My performance goal was to get stronger.

Overall I am very pleased with my results in the gym, and my body. I never thought I would be able to do a strict pull up and now I can do 2 unbroken! My greatest PR was my deadlift, as I was able to pull 183 lbs. I felt so accomplished! I would definitely participate in another challenge, especially since now I know what to expect.

WOD 07.31.13

3 Rounds for time:

  • Run 400m
  • 20 Ball Slams
  • Row 500m
  • 20 Push Presses (115/75)

In teams of 2, one partner performs first couplet while other performs the second couplet, then switch. Repeat 2x.

1 Response to “Challenge Winner Profile: Ashley B.”

July 31, 2013 at 6:55 AM

Great job Ashley!!!

Just curious was this WOD named after someone in particular?

I miss the gym very much. My foot recovery has been more challenging than I thought :(