
Today’s post comes from a link shared by 70’s Big. The link is taken from Schwarzennegger.com. The article is titled “There is No Maybe”. It is a very interesting piece stating with passion. As kids we thought there are no limits in life and anything seemed possible. There was times when we all thought we could be the best at everything and no one could tell us differently. Unfortunately as adulthood approached those so called “silly dreams” had to take a back seat to reality. Reality is busy with most of us having 9 to 5 jobs, families, and overall responsibilities. The article goes on to say that this perception we have on life can be changed overnight. It all starts with positive self talk. I can easily admit that I am at fault with the expression, “Today maybe I will…” It is very easy to lose the “maybe” and replace it with “I will” or “I can”. These words can affect all we do in all aspects of our lives. We can wake up and say “I will perform better at my job” or “Today I will run a little faster in the WOD”. The author of the article recounts a story when during one of Arnold’s seminars he asked a guest what their goal is. The guest went to say “Someday maybe I will…” Arnold immediately cut him off and said “There is No Maybe”. Arnold believes that anyone can go after their passion. If you want something bad enough you have to work at it. Obstacles will always be present, but no road is ever easy. I found this link to be a real big motivator.  What I take from it is that it is never too late to go after what you want.

WOD 08.03.2013

AMRAP 15 Min

  • 7 Heavy Wall Ball Shots
  • 9 Push Ups
  • 11 Box Jumps