Sometimes I feel like I’m intimidated by lamb and other quasi-exotic meat that’s not in our “regular” American genres of beef, chicken, or pork. To overcome this irrational fear of strange meats, we picked up the lamb steaks from Trader Joe’s and tried our hand at making it into a meal. So, I grilled the lamb on our Foreman grill while Sean cooked up the fresh asparagus we just got from the Torrance Farmer’s Market. Since it was quite a success, I’m posting the recipe below. Please forgive the lack of measurement! We still go by the school of “a little of this” and “a little of that.”

2 lamb steaks
red pepper flakes
sea salt

1-2 bunches asparagus (cut into 3rds)
1 cup cherry or grape tomatoes
1/2 yellow or orange bell pepper
2T butter
sea salt

Preheat grill. Sprinkle salt, pepper, rosemary, and red pepper on both sides of the lamb. Grill 5-8 minutes or until pink on the inside. Meanwhile, melt the butter in a pan and cook veggies on medium low heat until tender. Add salt and pepper to taste.

As a variation, you can season the lamb with poultry seasoning (sage, rosemary, etc) or Herbes de Provence, a French herb blend (savory, fennel, basil, thyme, and lavender flowers) usually reserved for poultry or fish, but it works well with the lamb. If you get the Trader Joe’s lamb steak, they usually come with a marrow filled bone in the middle of each one, which is like the toy in the Cracker Jack box, only WAY better! Enjoy!

Deadlift 1×5

7 rds:
7 Hang Power Cleans
7 Front Squats
7 Push Press

compare to 02.18.10

6 Responses to “Paleo Recipe: Lamb Steak with Asparagus”

May 21, 2010 at 8:51 AM

failed at the DL
at 95# 11:59

May 21, 2010 at 11:24 AM

yummy recipe! can’t wait to try this one out!

May 21, 2010 at 3:06 PM

Nice presentation!

I really liked the lamb shank at TJ’s too. I was a bit lazier, just coating it with olive oil and then adding sea salt, pepper and rosemary before searing it in a pan.

May 21, 2010 at 8:13 PM


May 21, 2010 at 9:00 PM


May 22, 2010 at 10:11 AM

DL 200#
WOD 9:3something @ 63#