The Boy Scouts said it best when they drill the importance of preparation in life to boys growing up. In CrossFit, we understand the above motto in terms of General Physical Preparedness (GPP), and train in such a way that we prepare ourselves for a variety of challenges daily. In doing this, we not only train the body to constantly adapt, but we also train our minds to adapt and overcome mental challenges.

Bobby Knight, former Indiana University coach, said “the key is not the will to win, everyone has that. It is the will to prepare to win that is important”

Many of you Intrepids participate in other activities or sports outside the gym. Pooja is currently training for a half marathon in August; Mark competes in ultimate frisbee; Alex is training for a half triathlon. Gary is a martial artist; Mike and Steph are avid snowboarders; and Scott is a skier. Whether or not you are training for a specific sport, though, we are all training to be prepared for anything life has to throw at us. We’re preparing for the inevitable golden years with the determination of knowing we will still PR into our 70s and 80s.

Kudos to you all for your inner Boy Scouts and keep up the good work!

WOD 05.22.10

1000m Row
40 Double Unders
10 Pull Ups
10 Ring Dips

1 Response to “Be Prepared”

Michael H
May 22, 2010 at 3:53 PM

WOD in Yuba City

2x400m sprint. 1:07 / 1:11
400m walking lunges 13:23