For those of you in the Nutrition Challenge, did you realize that we’ll be dunking again in under four weeks? The Body Fat Test truck will be visiting Intrepid again on Monday, May 13th. Hopefully you stayed on track, or if you did stray, you managed to find your way back onto the road.

Although the temptation may be strong to let the wheels come off after you’ve dunked, I would advise against it. The reason why is that our final benchmark workouts will be that week and I want you to avoid getting a harsh first-hand lesson in how crappy foods can derail your workout performance.

Right now we are 51 days in, with 26 days to go. That makes it almost two weeks short of a true 90 day challenge, but I’m optimistic that the new, positive nutrition routines you have been practicing will become a welcome habit.

Has it stopped being “work” for you and become easy? Do you intend to keep these new practices after the challenge is over?


Back Squat 3×5 or Wendler

8 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
240m Run
16 Pistols

Cash out: Accumulate 30-60 seconds in a perfect L-sit of choice.

5 Responses to “(Almost) End of the Line”

April 17, 2013 at 9:08 AM

Marcus, I’d say this has become easy to maintain at home. It’s just habit now to cook and eat Paleo at the house (except for TJs bacon!). But when we are out socially it all depends on the restaurant. If I’m at a steakhouse, then it’s easy to be Paleo. But if I’m at a GatroPub with co-workers, it’s simply not happening. But I am feeling great. I’m very glad Intrepid did this challenge. And I’m re-focusing my efforts (on both food and sleep) for the push to the finish line!

April 17, 2013 at 9:13 AM

Thank you Avelyne, Sean, Ruth, and the 07:30 class for letting me drop in and being so welcoming and fun. It was a great way to start my day. Hopefully, I will be seeing a lot more of your great homey CF gym and its great members.

April 17, 2013 at 9:40 AM

@ Scott, you bring up a very good point. Thankfully while I was on travel, the gent I was traveling with was pretty cool about letting me call dibs on teh restaurants. But then, I was the DD, so we both won. That’s not always as easily the case.

Best change I noticed – I don’t have the 2-3PM slump I used to have.

I don’t crave sugar. I don’t crave much of anything right now… which is good. I’m making decisions on what I want to eat based on what my body needs.

April 17, 2013 at 11:26 AM

I have found that eating paleo is becoming natural. Travelling and going out to eat is getting easier as I’ve found good options for items to carry with me, and I’ve learned to make almost any restaurant fit my diet (not Whole 30 friendly, but not bad enough for my body to react).

I have a very good idea of what the repercussions are of bad food choices, so I can decide whether or not a cheat is worth it. I think that has been very important this time around because it has worked well as a deterrent when I’m tempted.

The hardest part for me is the quantity. It is so hard for me to eat enough during the day and find the time to eat. When I struggle to eat enough food and I definitely notice a difference in performance.

April 17, 2013 at 9:50 PM

It was great having you drop in, Justin! Hope you end up settling down here snd becoming a regular!!