The Pullover
Categories: Gymnastics

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So there you are trying to get on top of the bar or branch overhead. Sure you can show your power and muscle-up your way to the top, but why not show your finesse and learn the pullover. The pullover skill is one that has applications beyond the gym, as my first introduction to the pullover was in basic training on the confidence course. The pullover is also becoming a more frequent addition in the CrossFit Intrepid workouts so here are some helpful videos from Coach Carl Paoli from San Francisco CrossFit and main man on the site where I found these videos to share with you today.  He has 6 videos discussing progressing the pullover skill, but I choose his second and third with you today as these are the areas where a majority of Intrepids need to focus their efforts.

If you have trouble bringing your hips to the bar with your legs straight, simply try keeping your knees bent which should make the transition easier. He mentions this in his Pullover Progress Part 4 video here.


To learn more about rolling out of the pullover or adding some extra skill elements into the movement check out Carl’s Pullover Progression Part 5 and Part 6.

WOD 6.10.13

Bench Press 3×5/Wendler

Partner Any Which Way
Together with your partner, complete a total of
50 Pistols
30 Tire Flips
20 Pullovers
10 Rope Climbs

Both athletes can be working at the same time and on different movements. Break up according to strengths, but both athletes must complete an equal number of REPS.