
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard the excuse from women who are afraid to start lifting weights, “but I don’t want to get big.” Each time I hear that I point to different websites, such as our Intrepid blog, to show them otherwise. This week, Lift Big Eat Big came out with an excellent post that took CrossFit social media by storm. Lift Big Eat Big’s post called 10 reasons why heavy lifting is horrible for women may become my new auto respond to women who are afraid to start lifting. The title is a little misleading, but obviously they are being sarcastic. In case you missed the post, below are some highlights, you can read the full post here.

Highlights from 10 Reasons Why Heavy Lifting is Horrible for Women:

1. Your children might see that a woman can be something more than a frail object meant to please a man. Challenging the status quo is never a good thing.

2. You can eat a much larger amount of delicious food and not gain a pound. Disgusting! Pass the tofu and skim milk please.

3. Men will avoid you at the gym when you lift more than they do. How are you supposed to know how to lift without their constant coaching?

4. You will be able to open a pickle jar without a man or a knife. No on should possess that much raw power.

5. Your bones will maintain a thick density throughout your life. Do you really want to rob a surgeon of your money for osteoporosis treatment?

Too funny! While it’s great to poke fun at the “downsides” of being strong and fit, in all honesty, I love the popularity that CrossFit has brought to the weightlifting world. Over the weekend I was talking with a woman who is working toward her PhD in psychology and she was very excited about the movement CrossFit has created to change the perspective about what a healthy woman looks like. She told me about the psychological damage that comes along with teenagers trying to live up to the anorexic looking rail thin women that are modern day’s “models.” We’re hoping that by the time we have children and they reach their teenage years, perhaps the social perspective of a female “model” will change.

Ok, I guess I’ll get off my soap box. Be sure to check out the rest of Lift Big Eat Big’s 10 reasons, can you come up with any others?!

How about, 11. You’ll spend all of your time admiring your toned body, the result of your hard work. That time was supposed to be spent criticizing the imperfections! or 12. You’ll hate the ability to refill the water jug at the office. You really weren’t that thirsty all those times you came across an empty water jug.


Note: Tom’s motocycle goggles disappeared from the key rack after yesterday’s evening class. Whoever accidentally grabbed them, please bring them back to the gym. Thanks!

WOD 06.20.13

Skills Day
KB Snatch

3 Responses to ““But I Don’t Want To Get Big””

June 20, 2013 at 8:48 AM

I have Tom’s glasses! I will definitely drop them by the gym today. Sorry Tom, I just realized this morning as they were in my car under my gym bag and I was completely confused as to who’s they were and how they got there. I must have grabbed them with my keys last night accidentally in my post DT haze thinking they were mine….hope your ride home without them wasn’t too awful.

Sorry again!


June 20, 2013 at 12:07 PM

My personal favorite “You will be able to open a pickle jar without a man or a knife. No on should possess that much raw power.”

Also, #11 is an awesome one Holley!

June 20, 2013 at 12:29 PM

Jessica Salvaggio: It doesn’t make you look manly.

I love her so much more after reading that quote from one of my personal favorite articles here

PS She’s top 5 role models for me.

Great post Holley!