
I figure it’s time to repost Brian’s brilliant homage to workout music.  Thanks for this classic post, B.

Music definitely helps during a workout; it helps your rhythm and breaks up the sound of grunts, slamming weights and Marcus yelling at you. It also helps to motivate you and get you excited for the pain you are about to endure.  I’m too (busy, lazy, dumb, pick one) to find the real science backing up that claim however I would like to present a “study” done by Dave Chapelle and John Mayer though not exactly on topic, helps further my point.

For those who can’t view, they are experimenting with the electric guitar and its effect on white people (it’s hilarious if you haven’t seen it). Long story short, in one “experiment” they sneak into an upscale restaurant and John Mayer starts playing some heavy metal riff and the people react violently… breaking stuff etc.  I of course always laugh hysterically about how ridiculous it is, but it’s completely true.

Just like rap is for bootie shakin (or terrible attempts at it) and slow jams are for making sweet love down by the fire, metal seems to be tailor made for working out.  There is something about the electric guitar that brings out that aggression, that extra drive inside you that blocks the pain receptors telling you your legs are burning and lungs are on fire.  It’s the same reason mosh pits are not seen at NKOTB concerts, well unless Becky gets extra excited or one of the “new kids” breaks a hip and falls into the audience causing pandemonium.  Hang it up fellas…the “block” has passed you by a LONG time ago…. I’m off topic already.

We are all looking for an edge to get us through a tough workout whether it is an extra kip, more suited footwear, lucky shorts, etc. I think we are missing a valuable and relatively inexpensive accessory though.   When was the last time you heard CFI blaring out a solid block of metal.  I’m not talking about the one off songs that seem to find their way into the mix like a wandering dodo bird discovered in the Amazon. I’m talking about ear popping, guitar smashing, make your eyes bleed metal oooo weeeee!   …. …………….. ….. Man I got fired up and had to bang out a set of push-ups.   I mean I’m a simple man; I like my beer cold (gluten free of course), my jokes dirty, and my music to be loud, fast and screaming (TWSS).    I just find it unbelievable that our gym doesn’t have that sh*t cranked up to 11 everyday.  The choreographed chaos of barbells and bumper plates, the intensity, the aggression that comes with every workout is like the real life equivalent of the powerful riffs and thundering drums heard in the most well known metal anthems.

Now let me disclose that I don’t mind the music that is played and know it’s a very subjective topic, I’m just offering my two cents and some scientific proof via Dave Chappelle.  I’ve even actually found a few songs that are great to workout to outside of the metal genre…. “The New Workout Plan” by Kanye West for one.  The beat is great to get you through rhythmic exercises and it even has a hidden paleo message in it… “eat yo salad.. no dessert”.    However, since our gym has been on a metal embargo recently I will continue to explode my ear-drums on my commute home with some Metallica, Pantera, Thrice and Miley Cyrus.  What??…. It’s a guilty pleasure!   Don’t judge me.

So take it upon yourself (as I should have) and make a mix of your favorite workout tunes and bring it in if you would like to hear something else, variety is the spice of life!  Who knows, this little experiment may stumble upon the discovery that Barry Manilow is the optimal music for working out.

Post your favorite song to workout to … and your favorite guilty pleasure (so I don’t feel like I’m the only one).

WOD 08.6.13

Bench 3×5 or Wendler

30 Burpees
Run 800m
30 Burpees

5 Responses to “From the Intrepid Vault: Where Have All the Guitars Gone?”

August 6, 2013 at 7:13 AM


August 6, 2013 at 9:26 AM

yay NKOTB shout-out!!

Mike S.
August 6, 2013 at 9:39 AM

Just about anything by Pantera is music to lift weights to.

August 6, 2013 at 10:52 AM

So according to Dave and John, I should be deadlifting to… salsa!

Date Nite
August 6, 2013 at 10:39 PM

Love Chappelle. I can only imagine what he might say about Crossfit!?