
Shopping at the market can be a laborious chore especially when trying to eat as clean as possible. You get caught up in all of the tricky marketing labels, wondering if the manufacturing company actually follows clean practices or if there are hidden ingredients.  Or maybe you become fixed on the same products that you already use because you know from label scouring before that it meets your standards.  Not saying there is anything wrong with the latter, just that maybe you get bored with the same stuff all the time.  Either way, a blog I follow GMO-Awareness.com posted some great ideas and tools that may help when grocery shopping.

Some of the things he lists we have covered before, like buying organic and finding a local CSA for your fruits and vegetables.  He also lists tools like smartphone apps that will allow you to scan a barcode to identify GMOs and other harmful ingredients.  One app in particular, Buycott allows you to scan a barcode and will show whether that company contributed money in favor of (or opposing) Prop 37 which supported GMO labeling.  And if you don’t have a smartphone, he also provides printable lists to take with you to the market.  Another source of information he provides are links to help you find farms, CSAs and organic restaurants in your area.  I recommend reading his full post here to help navigate your way to clean eating practices.

WOD 08.09.2013

Jerk 2-2-2

Buy in with 10 Pullovers or 10 Bar Muscle Ups

Then, 3 rounds of

  • 50 Double unders
  • 10 Toes to bar
  • 10 Kettlebell swings

1 Response to “Grocery Shopping Tools”

August 9, 2013 at 7:33 AM

Looking fierce “Mom”.