We’ve posted many articles (29 to be exact) on the importance of running form and the injuries that may occur from neglecting this skill. Sean’s recent post on the principles of natural running has an excellent video to get you started. Go back to it and watch it for a refresher on days (like today) when we incorporate running in the workout.

I know I’m a visual learner and some movements like Olympic lifts sometimes make sense after I watch them being performed correctly over and over again. Brian MacKenzie, owner of CrossFit Endurance, and CrossFit’s go-to guy for running, posted a great article with fantastic videos of excellent running form. He describes how the primary movers when you run should be the hamstrings, and not the hip flexors, quads, or calves.

Notice how the runners in the first video really pull their legs through rather than push off their calves. Their heads don’t bobble up and down as they move forward; there’s no energy wasted. The runners in the second video tend to strike with their heels, push off with their calves, and lift their knees up with their hip flexors.

Perfecting your running form is a journey, no doubt. However, make sure you’re taking the steps to continue on that journey instead of putting it off. Purchasing flatter shoes should help you learn better form, but they’re not made of magic. Just like weightlifting shoes will help you learn form better, but they don’t come with olympic fairy dust.  Even if you just take the time to run 400m every day focusing on proper form, you’re at least begun the journey.

Check out B-Mack’s full article here.

WOD 05.08.12

Press 3×5 or Wendler

Run 400m
30 Kettlebell Swings
Run 400m
30 Slam Balls
Run 400m
30 Pull Ups
Run 400m