2011 Intrepid Holiday Party

Recently Mark’s Daily Apple posted a Primal Blueprint success story entitled, “A Way of Life Has No Finish Line.”  The title immediately caught my attention.  It’s the reason why diets never work,  why most people who join a gym every Jan 2nd let their memberships run out by March, and why some people who have incredibly successful Whole 30 challenge stories go back to their old eating habits and feeling crappy after meals.

Those of you who participated in the Whole 30 challenge back in January  noted a complete overhaul in their day to day lives:  meal planning, grocery shopping, cooking, making time for workouts, etc.  Every single person noted how good they felt after the challenge.  We posted about how to approach day to day nutrition post W30 (ie reintroducing certain foods in moderation, etc).  Yet most people have chosen to go back to their old way of eating because it’s easier.

Also, we saw amazing PRs during the W30 Challenge as well as leading up to the recent Intrepid Competition.   People spent time before and after class working on their goats.  So many people learned how to do pull ups, double unders, wall ball shots, etc.  Yet afterwards that drive petered off and I see less skill work now.

What did January W30 challenge and the recent Intrepid Competition have in common?  A finish line.  An end goal.  Altering lifestyles for a short period of time is palatable if it is finite and we can count down the days until we return to our routines.  But that mindset is sabotaging us.  In order to be successful, we have to incorporate  healthy nutrition and aggressive pursuit of fitness into our daily routine and make it our way of life.  Periodization has its place, and no one expects you to train as if you were ramping up for a competition every week, but take a minute to evaluate your lifestyle.   Does it bear absolutely zero resemblance to your Whole 30/sleep challenge/pre-competition way of life?  What can you change day by day to make it your way of life?

This Friday is Bruins vs Trojans day. Come dressed in Bruin or Trojan colors and your WOD score will count towards one team or the other. We’ll see once and for all which team has the most spirit at CFI!

Save the Date! Our Intrepid Holiday Party/Welcome Home Tom/Patrick’s Pre-Deployment Spectacular will take place on Saturday, December 8th at the gym. It’ll be a potluck, so we’ll have a sign up on the board in the gym so you can RSVP and list what you’re bringing.

WOD 11.13.12

Push Press 3-3-3-3

4 Rounds:
10 Box Jumps
12 Sledgehammer Strikes