Anna's Handstand!!!

Anna's Handstand!!!

Since CrossFitters can’t help but measure their worth in Fran times and FGB scores, let me take a moment to bring up a worthy point.  Fran, Rx’d, is 95lbs for men, and 65lbs for women (you already know how I feel about Rx’d weights). If you are a male who’s front squat PR is 190#, then you’d be performing Fran at 50% of your 1RM. Still with me? Now, if you get strong and improve your lift to 240#, Fran would be 40%, meaning you’d be using 10% less energy, and thus taxing your body a lot less metabolically.

If you participate in sports (i.e. skiing or running), increased strength means better performance and, more importantly, less injuries!

Bottom line: getting stronger = win-win

**There’s a special class on Gluten-Free cooking at Whole Foods El Segundo today at 10:30!! Here’s a little description:

Guest speaker Peggy Curry will join us today to demonstrate how you can enhance the flavor and benefit to your gluten free foods, as well as the many choices you have in baking and dairy alternatives. Come sample Gluten Free products and learn the magic of menu planning.

It’s only an hour long and there will be free samples!!**

WOD 01.30.10

400m Run

15 Deadlift
12 Box Jump
9 Push Press


2 Responses to “Increased Strength = Win-Win”

January 30, 2010 at 7:56 PM

Great class this morning! Awesome job Andrea, Toby, and Holly! A big welcome to Linda, Alex, and Andrea who joined us for their first class today!

February 1, 2010 at 8:49 AM

did this wod at the gym but did 1 mile before the 5 rounds and used 135 DL and 75 PP and a 24 box