Only slightly less popular than it’s bourgeois counterpart (Whole Foods),  Bristol Farms is often overlooked when we’re looking for a quick bite. Loaded with equally dangerous cheat goodies (their cupcake counter is NOT for the weak-willed PMSing female on a non-cheat day), this market also boasts plenty of Grok-friendly (Paleo) foods. Apologies for the excessive use of parentheses today, but I digress. Their Asian tri-tip is cooked to a perfect medium rare, their Ahi poke is chunky and flavorful, and best of all, they have a PEETS COFFEE!!! With heavy cream…mmmmm.  And, since today is a cheat day for most, feel free to peruse the goodies counter, but try if you can to stick to the gluten free stuff ?

They can be hard to find, but there’s one in Manhattan Beach, Redondo Beach, and Westchester to name a few.

(this is not an endorsement or peer-pressure to cheat.  CrossFit Intrepid encourages only the strictest of Paleo Diets and would prefer if you only ate meat, nuts, greens, and fish oil)

REST DAY 10.25.09

1 Response to “Urban Paleo Forager: Bristol Farms”

October 25, 2009 at 12:34 PM

I’m going to have to say that Bristol Farms is more bourgeois than Whole Foods from my own experiences there. Too easy to end up with 5 items in your cart and a $80 tab.

As Ruth and I found out though, the Peets service may vary. The bums in MB have not had the heavy cream the last 3 times either of us have visited. (and have the nerve to be rude when asked for it!)

I do visit Bristol often during the work week for lunch. You can get the rotisserie chicken for cheap, or fresh tri-tip from the sandwich counter (just ask for it a la carte). While I do love the ahi poke, I’ve been skipping it due to the soy sauce but I’m pickier than most. ;)