Chasing Performance is the title of the Movement and Mobility certification I attended a little over a week ago in San Diego.  I would say that this is definitely a cert that can benefit both coach and athlete alike.  In addition to the nutrition cert, it is one I would highly encourage you to make time for.  You may have previously read or heard that CrossFit aims to increase proficiency in each of the following fitness domains:

  1. cardiovascular/respiratory endurance
  2. stamina
  3. strength
  4. flexibility
  5. power
  6. speed
  7. agility
  8. balance
  9. coordination
  10. accuracy

Kelly Starrett of San Francisco CrossFit (who teaches the cert) asserted that there is “one to rule them all” — flexibility.  Improving your flexibility can net you new PRs in benchmark WODs and higher weights in your max lifts.  Sure — they may not have the thrilling challenge of the gymnastics elements or the adolescent fun of the CrossFit Kids inspired warmups that Ruth and Sean brought back — but those decidedly unsexy stretches I’ve been having you do should benefit your performance.

As a refresher, I’ve had you try the calf stretches which can help with shin splints (as Ruth pointed out yesterday). For a full breakdown of how to correctly perform the stretch when you’re at home (you ARE doing these at home, right?), here’s the link to K-Star’s original post discussing the technique and a quick preview below.

2) Your grandma’s crappy runner’s stretch that they showed you in Team in Training, physical therapy, or your third grade gym class won’t lengthen your calves either.
You know the stretch, where it looks like you are holding up a wall with your leg extended behind you. You may feel your calf go on tension, but no muscle lengthening is occurring, trust me.

I also explained the use of your couch to stretch out your quads and hip flexors. K-Star explains it even better here, along with useful pictures.

This is a great place to work on your contract relax stretching, or just simply enter the pain cave and don’t come out for at least 90 seconds.

Okay, so maybe referring to it as “entering the pain cave” may not be selling you on making this a daily practice.  But promise yourself to commit to it for a couple weeks and see for yourself as your performance improves across the board!

WOD – 10.28.09

4 rds of the following:
7 Push ups
21 Double Unders
Rest 1 minute

Post rounds to comments.

4 Responses to “Chasing Performance”

Michael H
October 28, 2009 at 10:51 PM

My legs are worked! Nick oh man you were possessed today, what an awesome performance!

October 29, 2009 at 12:55 AM

THANK YOU everyone for joining me for a belated birthday dinner!!
It was great to see you all when you are not sweating and grunting
I hope everyone enjoyed the beef tongue and tripe :-P
and thank you all for the gift certificate. now i can work out in style :)
Fun warmup today!
AMRAP 4 3X rest 1min
7 Push ups
14 SDHP (18#)
21 Double Unders
1) 2 rounds – 14SDHP, 2) 2 rounds – 7 push ups, 3) 2 rounds – 7 push ups

October 29, 2009 at 1:32 PM

LOL, Stephanie! Yeah…mmmm least it was Paleo! Thanks for having us at your dinner and wanting to see us outside the grunting and sweating! Great job on the wod as always and thanks for your awesome cheering, which got Joan to do her last round and Nick to throw in another ‘just because!’

Welcome Joan, and thanks for coming out to play with us!

[...] you need a moderate amount of calf, ankle, and hamstring flexibility to get this done. All the more reason to stretch! Incidentally, the day we did the pistols in the [...]