
How has CrossFit changed you? For some the answer may be pretty straightforward, but others’ answers may be profound. Have you noticed a change in your work ethic, your appearance, your confidence, your life? Each and every one of us has our own story about our CrossFit experience and how it has impacted us. We each have our own trials, triumphs, and tragedies and we have all come out better and stronger mentally and/or physically after our experiences.

Well a couple of coaches at CrossFit Invictus want to know about your CrossFit story. They are interested in how has CrossFit made your life better that can serve to inspire others? They are asking for folks to share with them the different ways CrossFit has changed their lives for the better. Whether CF has helped you lose weight, stay sober, reconnect with yourself and others, or just feel a sense of family and belonging, don’t be shy and consider sharing your story for their book.

WOD 07.10.10

Fight Gone Better
3 Rounds
1 minute Stations for Reps/Cals:
Wallball Shots
Hang Power Cleans
Box Jumps
Push Press

3 Responses to “What’s Your Story?”

July 10, 2010 at 12:23 PM

I don’t know about any book, but I’ll gladly share my story with my CFI family….

How has Crossfit changed me? Well, first off, the best thing about CF is all the great people I’ve met and become friends with. That may not be a change, but it’s one way CF has been a very positive experience.

As far as changes, I’ve always been very active…skiing, snowboarding, volleyball, triathlons, mountaineering, etc….but I’ve always struggled to do these activities at a very heavy weight. I have always been strong on participation and weak on performance/results. Diets never seemed to work. Working out at Globo Gym helped, but not significantly. I could never really stick with a diet or workout program more than a few months at a time. They were chores to be suffered.

Crossfit totally changed that. I immediately saw improvements in my numerous activities. I have started blocking in beach volleyball. I got quicker moving around the court. I have had better endurance and control skiing and snowboarding. I had by far my best sprint triathlon time last summer.

CF empowered me to do my first ever pullup in my life!! I was the fat kid in grade school who used to get marked down in PE because I couldn’t do a single pullup. I used to get straight A’s except for a C in PE (no idea why middle school kids were being graded for athletic performance, but that’s another story). Unless that was you too, you have no idea how mentally scaring that experience was and how amazing it felt when I did my first pullup. Afterwards I was jacked up on an adrenaline rush that lasted days. I couldn’t wait to tell EVERYONE!

Recently I’ve added the Paleo diet to CF and again I’m seeing immediate and dramatic results. Better metcon results during CF workouts. Much better elevation and coverage on the volleyball court. My running times are dropping dramatically as I’m training for my first ever Olympic Triathlon. I can’t wait to attack the ski slopes this winter.

And of course, the classic result of CF and/or Paleo….I look better naked!! That’s particularly important since everyone in South Bay spends half the year in bathing suits.

And maybe the best part about all this, unlike previous workout programs and diets, Crossfit and Paleo are not chores. They are things I enjoy. They are things I look forward to doing. I’m not trying to do this until I reach a goal. I simply love CF and hope to continue indefinitely.

Of course, a huge thanks goes to all the trainers who have helped and encouraged me along the way…..Ruth, Marcus, Sean, and Mariessa. A big thanks to all my fellow crossfiters who cheer me on and challenge me each day. Also a big thanks to my buddy Casey who nagged me for months and convinced me to try CF.

July 11, 2010 at 7:44 AM

Scott, thank you for sharing such a personal story. We’re very fortunate to have you workout at Intrepid and we’re all so proud of your progress. Have a great weekend.

July 11, 2010 at 12:29 PM

Scott, you have been an inspiration and it has been awesome to see you progress each and every week.