For all those wondering why Paleo diets avoid “healthy” beans and peanuts, Whole9 recently ran a great article that links to several studies supporting their argument. The best thing is that they still manage to present it all in layman’s terms.

So legumes aren’t as awesome as the marketing might make you think. Is that really a good enough reason to ditch them altogether? Worse than simply being an inferior source of dietary protein and an unnecessary duplication of the dietary fiber supplied by the micronutrient-dense vegetables and fruit we recommend, legumes do have some major downsides – enough that we think you should keep them off your plate.

For more, check out the full article!

WOD 05.12.11

Gymnastics WOD

5 Responses to “Spill the Beans”

May 12, 2011 at 12:16 PM

Ohhhh Marcus, you and your beans! What do you think about limiting your bean intake to a couple time a month? Would you be okay with that?

Haven’t posted on here in a long time, I miss you guys!

May 12, 2011 at 12:20 PM

p.s., just read your birthday post, hilarious! I truly do miss all your pushing and yelling and continuous support, even if i didn’t want to do it (aka DUBS, now look at me go!!) Hope you had a great birthday :)

May 12, 2011 at 1:13 PM

@Jenna — if you don’t have existing autoimmune conditions and you follow a strict 30 day full elimination (like our participants just did), try adding legumes back in and see how you look, feel and perform. If no problems, then occasionally having them wouldn’t be an issue. You would just want to avoid regular consumption.

Personally, they don’t have much effect on me so when I decide to indulge once in a great while with a delicious plate of nachos, I don’t get any “hangover”. It doesn’t mean I will eat hummus or peanut butter daily, but twice a month wouldn’t kill me. As always, YMMV

Glad you decided to “drop in” for a visit!

May 12, 2011 at 2:52 PM

How did 7 get the name varsity class? That’s BS. 6 would be varsity. we get there first when everything is all nice and clean and then muck everything up for the 7 oclock scrubs. Just a thought…

May 12, 2011 at 3:10 PM

Prob a little aggressive for my first post in awhile too… Hi Everyone. We haven’t been up in awhile so we will make a point to do so soon!