Aaron recently brought in a Time Magazine article that featured the “Dr. Oz Diet” and remarked about many similarities to a paleo diet. The funny thing is that the media have anointed this Dr. Oz as “America’s Doctor” and sadly many people will take his opinion as gospel. (You know, because if someone is on TV, they must be an expert!)

Also, there was a recent feature on CNN where another specialist offered her educated opinion on the paleo diet. Her advice is ripe with conventional wisdom that ignores the results of numerous recent studies.

Thankfully, Robb Wolf got fired up and wrote a counterpoint piece that is worth a read. Robb talks about Dr. Oz turning a blind eye when a family member of one of his production assistants was helped with serious disease, simply by changing their diet. He also discusses the ethics of the CNN nutrition expert when she peddles a “nutrition bar” that is anything but.

Take a look at his writeup and use it as a reminder to always vet your sources!

WOD 09.22.11

Gymnastics WOD

3 Responses to “Medical Pundits of the Worst Kind”

September 22, 2011 at 2:13 PM

Marcus, I’ve let you badmouth pasta, peanut butter pretzels, beer, fun… but i will not have you speak ill of TV.

Man cannot live on prowler alone Marcus

September 22, 2011 at 2:24 PM

@ Brian – you make me laugh :)

September 22, 2011 at 6:07 PM

I filled up at a Chevron station after the gym yesterday and they now have those really annoying TVs with the volume up obnoxiously loud… Well, there was a health tip telling people to avoid food cooked with coconut oil because it was high in saturated fat which can cause heart disease and instead request food cooked in canola oil. Not only do we have to listen to their annoying advertisements, but they’re feeding us unsolicited BS diet advice. Unfortunately, unhealthy diet advice surrounds us constantly.