Today we’ll be performing the box squat for our strength work and for those of you familiar with the box squat know that the positions can be difficult to master, especially for those of us with mobility issues around our hips.  Although Ruth posted some tips on the execution of the lift, today I’ll reference K-Star and one of his MWOD videos for some tips to improve control and promote more efficient positioning in the box squat.

As always, the gym doors open 15mins prior to the 6:30am, 12:00pm, and 4:00pm workouts leaving you plenty of time to perform this or any mobility prep. As soon as the class time hits you’ll be moving pretty steadily between the warm-up, the lift, and the met-con but you might be able to squeeze in some mobility work between sets.  Make it a priority to get here early, when you arrive try not to get sucked into anything other your mobility prep, and use what time you do have before the workout wisely.

WOD 4.4.12

Box Squat 5×3
Good Mornings 3×5

1 Set Max Strict Pull Ups
500m Row for Time