You know those days where you rush out of the house because you had an earlier than usual meeting and your typical morning routine was thrown out of whack?  Those days are rough not only because you feel like you’re at work longer than usual but because more often than not you forgot something at the house due to your early morning rush.  For me, if it wasn’t my cell phone or work boots, it was usually my gym clothes.  If you find yourself in a similar dilemma where you forgot your workout clothes you can still get you butt in for the WOD because we now have some spare digs you can borrow.  We have men’s and women’s shirts, shorts, socks, and even a couple of retired pairs of athletic shoes (men’s size 10 and 12).  We are in need of women’s athletic shoes somewhere in the 6-8 size range.  If you have some old shoes that you’re willing to retire please think of your fellow Intrepids and donate to the cause.  If and when you find yourself in this situation again and a drive home just isn’t feasible let a coach know and we’ll show you the box o’ clothes in the coaches’ office.

WOD 5.05.12

CrossFit Regionals WOD #2

Teams of 4 (2 Men, 2 Women)
For time, each member of the four-person team must complete the following:
Row 1,000 meters
25 Pistols, alternating
15 Hang Cleans

The four-person team will begin standing in line behind a single rower. At the call of “3-2-1 … Go!” the first team member gets on the rower and rows 1,000 meters, then gets off the rower and moves to a designated area to perform 25 one-legged squats. As soon as the first athlete is off the rower, the second athlete can move to the rower, reset the monitor and begin rowing.

After the first athlete completes 25 one-legged squats, he or she moves to a designated area to perform 15 hang cleans. After the 15th hang clean, the first athlete moves to the designated finish area.

All four athletes must perform each of the three drills in order. Team members cannot move to the next station until the team member in front of them has left that station. When the last team member completes his or her 15 hang cleans and joins the others in the designated finish area, the workout is complete.

Time cap: 25 minutes

Cash Out: Time permitting, each team member gets one chance to traverse around the pull up bar apparatus without falling off. Legs may be used to wrap around racks but not over the pull up bars or stepping on j-cups. For each teammate that successfully traverses the apparatus, the teams gets to take one minute off their final time.

3 Responses to “No Shirt, No Shoes, No Excuses”

May 5, 2012 at 3:24 PM

Thats great! Its happened to me so many times

May 7, 2012 at 2:19 PM

Whew – and I thought I was the only one! Thanks for building a stack for those of us that THOUGHT they packed everything.

May 7, 2012 at 2:21 PM

I have a couple pairs of size 7s I’ll bring in. Glad they’ll go to a grat use… and probably I’ll be the one wearing them again…