It was another solid week of performance in the gym. I’d like to acknowledge one athlete in particular who had a very successful week and made big gains from the previous weeks. Francis Zamora is a consistent 630am athlete and has improved a lot since he has started Intrepid. Within the last couple of weeks he was hitting some road blocks on a few of his lifts. Although he would have success with his first two sets he would not be able to complete his final set and he would say, “Everything felt heavy.” This past week none of those road blocks seemed to exist. He hit new PRs three times this week! His key words were, “All of my sets felt super light.” Well done this week, Francis. You did a great job of never getting discouraged when an obstacle presented itself. You kept your head up and stayed positive at the start of everyday.

Monday’s lift was the back squat. Francis, Carrie, and Sara all set new PRs on their back squat. Francis had no problem with his 160lb work sets. Carrie added 5 reps to her weight. Sara squatted 103lbs for 6 reps. The WOD was a partner workout of rope climbs, clean ladders, and pushups/sit-ups. Randy and Xuan teamed up for this workout and had a solid overall score.

The press was the lift for Tuesday. That was followed by an 8 minute AMRAP of 8 heavy KBS, 10 toes to bar, and 30 double unders. Francis pressed 90lbs for 6 reps and Brendan completed his work set at 100lbs. For the WOD athletes were encouraged to use a heavier kettle bell than they were used to swinging. Ning finished 3 rounds while using 35lbs. Kevin R. swung 62lbs and completed 4 rounds. Mike G. had no problems using 62lbs as he finished with 5 rounds.

On Wednesday athletes worked on the dead lift. Francis finished a successful week by dead lifting 240lbs for 6 reps. Paul K. got a new PR at 210lbs. Brendan also set a new PR at 195lbs. The workout consisted of running 500 meters and then completing 3 rounds of 25 wall ball shots and 15 pull-ups and running one more 500 meter run. This WOD really worked on the quads and the shoulders. Lisa had a great time and finished the WOD in 17:44. She used a 14lb med ball. Michelle C. wasn’t too far behind and finished in 18:00. Luke used a 20lb med ball and did the WOD in 11:46.

On skills day athletes worked on rowing and handstand push-up skills. The rest of class was spent on individual time.

Friday’s lift was the jerk. If technique looked good then athletes could increase their work sets. Ashley got her work set up to 65lbs. Andrea increased her PR by 10 lbs and finished with a 50lb 2 rep set. Godfrey finished at 145lbs. The WOD was 2 different couplets. The first was 3 rounds of a 250m row followed by 3 heavy snatches. A 2 min rest period was awarded after the first WOD. The second workout was 3 rounds of 20 ball slams and 10 handstand push-ups. Pablo finished at a total time of 11:13. He snatched with 65lbs. Mike K. also did well while using 95lbs for the snatch.

WOD 10.13.12


300 Pullups-400 Pushups-500 Situps-600 Squats

*Teams of 4 will work to complete the WOD.

*Only 2 athletes are allowed to work at a time.

*Must finish 1 movement before moving onto the next