The Concept 2 Rower is the only ‘machine’ condoned at a CrossFit gym and is merely a chain and a flywheel. As with everything in CrossFit, technique with rowing can make or break your shot at a PR. What you want is a long, strong, efficient pull followed by a smooth return. Angie Hart breaks down the fundamentals of rowing in an article from the CrossFit Journal:

1. Begin rowing from the catch position: shins vertical, torso angled forward from the hip, arms fully extended with fingers curved around the handle, abs tight, and shoulders relaxed down and slightly pulled back.

2. Initiate the drive with the legs, giving a quick, powerful push (kick) off the catch while maintaining the forward body angle for the first half of the drive. Continue pushing with the legs while opening the body angle with the strength and explosiveness of the legs and core body strength.

3. As your legs reach extension, finish the stroke with a powerful arm pull, accelerating the handle as you pull it away from the flywheel and back to your upper abs. At the end of the drive, your legs will be straight and slightly up on the balls of your feet to prevent hyperextension of the knee joints; your body will be angled back about thirty degrees from vertical with activated trunk muscles; and your arms will be bent with the elbows behind the torso and the handle almost touching your abs).

4. Return to the catch by extending the arms and allowing the handle to pull the body forward. Lean forward at the hips, and then slide the seat up toward the feet with slow control. Overall, the recovery phase should take about twice as long as the drive phase.

WOD 09.10.09

Front Squat 5×3 (90%1RM)
500m row
Rest one minute between sets.
c/o gymnastics skill work.

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1 Response to “Row, Row, Row, Your Boat”

September 10, 2009 at 11:09 PM

Front Squat 185-195-195-195-195

Forgot time on rows, but it was fun — in a CrossFit kinda way.