After all, we have had a long-standing deal with biology: whatever choices we make during our lives might ruin our short-term memory or make us fat or hasten death, but they won’t change our genes — our actual DNA. Which meant that when we had kids of our own, the genetic slate would be wiped clean.

New scientific discoveries are lending credence to the old adage “you are what you eat” in this recent article in Time magazine. Epigenetics is the study of changes in gene activity that do not involve alterations to the genetic code but still get passed down to at least one successive generation. Sadly, it is now showing that the poor choices we make in our lives can negatively affect our children and grandchildren.

We all know that you can truncate your own life if you smoke or overeat, but it’s becoming clear that those same bad behaviors can also predispose your kids — before they are even conceived — to disease and early death.

This just further underlines how nutrition can affect your life in a powerful way. Feel free to ask any of the trainers for more information on how you can improve your dietary habits to achieve your goals.

Further reading: Baby Steps Paleo Style, Paleo or Die,

WOD 1.14.10

Make Up Day

2 Responses to “Epigenetics: Your Kids Are What You Eat”

January 14, 2010 at 7:02 AM

lol, what a somber post. Marcus, you’ve escalated the paleo guilt trip to genetic blackmail! Well done!

You’ve also taken the fun out of my cheat meals… :(

January 14, 2010 at 4:41 PM

Marcus, where do you come up these posts???

WOD courtesy of Hilton-Mission Valley, San Diego

10 SU
15 Squats