You’ve read enough of our posts to know that we like to focus on health and wellness beyond just fitness. We’ve posted before about epigenetics, “the study of changes produced in gene expression caused by mechanisms other than changes in the underlying DNA sequence (as defined by Wikipedia),”  and how our nutrition can affect our DNA and the DNA of our children.  For obvious reasons, I’ve been doing some research online about how today’s abundant radiation from common electronic devices can affect us in the long run.

What electronics am I talking about here? Belly Armor, a brand of clothing and accessories that specialize in protecting pregnant moms from radiation, lists cellphones, laptops/computers, PDA’s, mp3′s, power lines, TV’s, microwaves, DVD players, vacuums, blenders, and hairdryers as some of the few sources of radiation in an average person’s life. She also breaks down their risk assessment level as well as ways to lower your exposure.

Mark’s Daily Apple just posted an article linking mobile phones to decreased male fertility.   Although no studies have been conclusive in humans, there is some strong data linking increased cell phone use and proximity to decreased sperm count (how many of you carry your phones in your pants pocket next to the goods?).

The reason there’s no black and white answer to this is that our exposure level to radiation emitted from electronic devices has skyrocketed exponentially over the last few decades.  A few of you may even remember back to the days when cell phones (or even pagers!) were an anomaly.   Any long term conclusive research proving its safety or harm just can’t keep up with the rapid increase in technology and our dependance upon it.

What’s the take home from this semi-doomsday sounding post?  Throw away your electronic gadgets and adopt a hunter gatherer or amish lifestyle?  Not likely.  What you can do, however is limit your exposure.  Make wiser decisions about where to carry your phones, where to stand when nuking your food, using laptops on tables rather than laps, etc.  Do with this information what you will, but take the time to click on the above links and come to your own conclusions.

WOD 06.22.11

Jerk 2-2-2

[Squat] Cleans
Ring Dips

5 Responses to “Gadgets and Radiation”

June 22, 2011 at 7:48 AM

Sadly, that Belly Armor company preys on two things: 1) the natural protective concerns of an expectant mother and 2) a lack of understanding of the electro-magnetic spectrum. Many of their claims on their risk list are full of holes and for as much as they charge, you’re still left quite unprotected from other “scary” sources of emission. See the following articles (or even my post on microwaves) for a different perspective:


June 22, 2011 at 11:00 AM

Cell phone radiation causes tissue heating and I don’t think that’s disputed. I guess the question is whether that intermittent heating can cause cancer, virility issues, etc.

June 22, 2011 at 1:44 PM

Do you know if the hotel is pager friendly?… I’m not getting a sig on my beeper.

June 22, 2011 at 2:30 PM

Lol, Drew! That’s why every guy needs a bat signal!

June 22, 2011 at 4:47 PM

@Drew..You probably get this a lot. This isn’t the real Caeser’s Palace is it?