Dan, winner of our last W30 Challenge!

Expanding on Part I, I’ll start going into areas you can look into when it comes to dropping those last 10-15 pounds if you’ve already attempted the Whole 30, have been eating clean, and maintaining a steady attendance to workouts. Again, I want to reiterate that I’m talking about fat loss for the purpose of optimal performance in the gym. There’s a difference between body composition for performance vs aesthetics. Sometimes they end result is the same, but sometimes not.

The first topic I want to address is Sleep and Stress. Your body is a finely tuned machine. It was genetically programmed to survive through some really tough times. Your DNA remembers a time when you had to hunt, gather, live bountifully off of the land, and suffer through bouts of famine. When you are constantly depriving your body of much needed sleep or if you’re constantly in a state of stress, it begins to think that it is in survival mode.

Cortisol production increases so your body can hold on to much needed fat in case you may need it to survive. Your body doesn’t know how to differentiate between work deadline stress and famine induced stress. Often times, cortisol related fat is held around the midsection, but not always.

So, yesterday’s timely Unofficial Challenge may just help you reach this goal. Don’t worry if you didn’t sign up for it. Give it a shot and see what happens!

WOD 04.13.12

Snatch 3-3-3

Workout #2 “5,4,3…Go”
As Many Rounds As Possible in 6 minutes
5 Deadlifts
4 Front Squats
3 Push Press

This is to be completed as unbroken set. No releasing of the bar or resting on the ground. Any break will be rewarded with a 3 burpee penalty on the spot before you can continue on. The only place you may rest the bar is in the front rack position.